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Terms & Conditions

Product Usage Terms

NovoAlign is a manufacturer of high quality dental clear aligners and supplies only to registered dentists, orthodontists, dental clinics and dental hospitals, hereinafter referred to as the “customer”

NovoAlign treatment consists of a series of clear plastic, removable trays called clear aligners, that move patient’s teeth in small increments. Upon approval of a treatment plan by the Customer, a series of customized clear aligners is produced, which move teeth to correct malocclusions without using metal wires or brackets, when worn under proper instructions.

Customer must train the patient in his clinic, on aspects of aligner tray insertion, removal, cleaning and storage before beginning the treatment.

Aligners must be worn all throughout the day except during eating and brushing, and to be changed every 2 weeks (unless otherwise instructed). Previous (used up) stages aligners should not be discarded. Oral hygiene must be maintained properly. Aligners must be cleaned regularly at insertions and removals.

Since teeth movement corrections relapse rapidly, Customer is required to immediately give Long Term Retention to the patient as soon as he / she finishes wearing the last aligner, without any delay.

Refund & Cancellation Policy

As per clear aligner treatment process, the customer confirms the order and pays for it only after evaluation of the treatment plan (virtual setup) and trial aligner.
Hence once payment is made by the customer, the manufacturing process starts in full swing, the customer shall not be eligible to cancel the order and claim refund of any money paid.

Return / Exchange Policy

If you believe you have received a defective product, please send an email at support@novoalign.com within 7 days of receipt to raise a support ticket, our Quality Assurance Team will get in touch with you for investigation and replacement.

Pricing Policy

NovoAlign manufactures high quality customised dental clear aligners and supplies only to registered dentists, orthodontists, dental clinics and dental hospitals. The pricing is hence customized and varies from patient to patient, basis the treatment plan finalized. It may range between Rs. 50000 and 150000.

Delivery and Shipping policy

Once payment is made by the customer to confirm the order, the manufacturing process starts in full swing and aligners are dispatched to customer’s registered address within 10-15 days using one of partner courier services from Bluedart, DTDC, Maruti or The Professional couriers.